Global Security

  • AI

    Programs analyzed the potential risks posed by novel AI techniques to international security. Focus areas examined the implications of advances in artificial intelligence (AI) on international security and strategic stability. Key component areas included: Revisiting Strategic Stability and Recent Developments in AI; Comparing AI Adoption and Integration Across Countries; AI and Deterrence Across Domains; Operationalizing Automation and AI for the Battlefield; Ensuring Strategic Stability in the Age of AI.

  • Cybersecurity

    The cyber portfolio prioritized creating actionable solutions to bridge the gap between cybersecurity experts and government agencies to improve collaboration and progress in the cyber ecosystem. Across the technology spectrum initiatives spanned from researching organized cyber-crime groups, state-sponsored attacks, offensive cyber operations, the future of digital security, and escalation postures of cyber-capable adversaries.

  • Nuclear Prevention

    Areas of focus included nuclear command, control, and communications (NC3) systems and strategic stability. Programs outlined the global effects of nuclear modernization and advanced technologies. Many of the programs focused on the possible integration of novel AI techniques within global NC3 structures. Additional areas of influence included computer science and human cognitive security.

  • Human Rights

    Recognized work with global markets and human rights led to serving in delegations at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland as well as forums hosted by the United Nations Secretariat in New York. A focus on socioeconomics and the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda, led to the funding of early stage, high impact sustainable micro-enterprises that develop long-term approaches to reduced the sexual exploitation of women and children. Additional work included serving as the client-facing global communications liaison with projects partnered with the United Nations.

International Advocacy Forms

  • Communication Advisor: Nuclear Command, Control, Communications and Global Stability - Chatham House Rule, 2019

    Social Media Storms and Nuclear Early Warning System - Chatham House Rule, 2018

  • Civil Society Delegate: UN Forum on Business and Human Rights, 2018

    UN Forum on Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law, 2016

  • Communication Advisor: Strategic Effects of Artificial Intelligence - Chatham House Rule, 2018 Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making - Chatham House Rule, 2018

  • NextGen Leadership Recipient: Sustainable Fashion (CFDA, UNGC, NYU), 2017

    Delegate: President of the GA’s 71st Consultations on the Participation of Indigenous Peoples, 2017